Appearance of bitumen-polymer materials gave start to principally new construction materials with higher economic and environmental efficiency. In terms of roofing, we need to mention the so called shingles, also known as roofing slates.
Slate tiles, cut of polymer-bitumen material, allow light and good-looking roofing on 12% slopes. Shingles ensure long life high elasticity which are not common for most currently known roofing materials.
A sealant layer is applied to a new roof before application of shingles to enhance tightness. If the slope exceeds 18%, the sealing coat is applied only in the most critical places, e.g. side end parts of roofing, roof canopies, etc.
Most often a shingle is a flat mat made by pressing and cutting from rolled bitumen-polymer. The surface of this mat is covered with mineral chips. Shingles are waterproof and do not require any specific maintenance; they also generate less noise in rain.
Colour and texture of the surface depend on tje type of applied mineral material. That is why the customer can buy material of any colour. Roofs made of shingles resembles roofing made of slate or wood. It is more durable than similar materials, service life of which is limited by loss of plasticity.
Shingles do not require elasticity required of roll materials, as they don’t create a uniform coat and deformations do not lead to loss of uniformity.